For those of you fortunate enough to have Love in your life...don't take it for granted. Love with all you have in each day is the last. Always leave your partner with loving words and a kiss...and greet each other the same way. Cuddle as you fall to sleep...even if you stray in the night. Set your alarm 5 minutes early so that you can cozy up before starting your day. Sit on the same side of the booth in restaurants. Hide love notes for the other to find. Smile at each other. Hold Hands. Hug. Kiss. Touch...even if it's just hands passing in the hall or your foot to his foot in the middle of the night as you reposition in your sleep. It's the little things that mean the most. Whisper goodnight, sweet dreams and kiss him even if he's already sleeping. For those of you fortunate enough to have Love in your life...don't take it for granted. ~Angela Pearl

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04 June 2010

quick note from angela...

hey there punks and kittens~~

just wanted to let you know that my phone is scheduled to be temporarily disconnected today. i just cant afford it. so, i officially have no phone, internet, teevee --- or job! if you happen to know anyone hiring part time, full time, summer help, whatever, please let me know! greatly appreciate it! i will try to get to the library to check my messages... but my jeep is still broke down, so i'm walking or hitching rides (which are hard to come by).

fyi: a friend is letting me have a garage sale at their place during the lake templene lake-wide sales next week. i'll be in hickory hills subdivision (where i grew up!) at the house that sells the hand-made cambodian egg rolls every year!
saturday june 12 8a - whenever!

much love.
be well.