For those of you fortunate enough to have Love in your life...don't take it for granted. Love with all you have in each day is the last. Always leave your partner with loving words and a kiss...and greet each other the same way. Cuddle as you fall to sleep...even if you stray in the night. Set your alarm 5 minutes early so that you can cozy up before starting your day. Sit on the same side of the booth in restaurants. Hide love notes for the other to find. Smile at each other. Hold Hands. Hug. Kiss. Touch...even if it's just hands passing in the hall or your foot to his foot in the middle of the night as you reposition in your sleep. It's the little things that mean the most. Whisper goodnight, sweet dreams and kiss him even if he's already sleeping. For those of you fortunate enough to have Love in your life...don't take it for granted. ~Angela Pearl

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16 April 2010

medical leave update...

so... no medical leave letter in the mail this morning. i called the medical leave appeal guy. guess i mis-remembered the date on the letter. "determintaion made on or before april 19" (not the 16) HOWEVER he said that it is not likely they will have a decision by monday, so he said monday the 19th they will issue me a notification letter that they will be taking an additional 45 days! i am waiting on a callback from employer about how this works since another 45 days puts me past my "seperation/termination" date of april 25. blargh. now i am off to therapy. prolly my last one since i am broke and my insurance is being canceled retro to february 1st. yippee.

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